This is inside the city of Suzhou, China. One of the cradles of Wu culture, this city has beautiful, and old streets of China. But my first exposure is the new city of Suzhou, wherein, skyscraper structures are revealed right before my very eyes.

The beautiful and captivating city of Suzhou.
Inside the city of Suzhou are the narrow streets, where the inhabitants would not intend to change its structure to preserve their way of life, old structures and tradition as depicted in the video above.

Of course, who would not be enticed with eating the sumptuous bowl of Biang Biang noodles of China? This is one of the best noodles I have tasted in my entire journey, not just in China but to the rest of the world. The thin slice flat one meter cut Biang Biang noodles is a reflection of how intricate and enticing the culture of Chinese is.

This is the Biang Biang Traditional noodles of China.

This is my whole journey to Suzhou, China. I hope people will be able to view this video as it shows how beautiful the country is.

Journey after journey, the most important is I really enjoyed my stay in China, though it has been just a short period considering that my visa was only limited for one month.